Zimmer environmental policy
- The company undertakes to continuously improve environmental protection in its field.
- The company strives to actively protect the environment in all of its fields of activity.
- The company promotes environmental awareness and responsibility among personnel and ensures that training and continuing education programs are provided in environmentally related fields.
- The company strives to continuously reduce consumption of resources and power as well as minimize emissions and waste so as to make its contribution to environmentally friendly development.
- The impact on the environment must be taken into consideration when making investments and purchases.
- With regard to all legal regulations and government requirements concerning the environment, which are complied with as a matter of course, the limit values should be taken as minimum standards and, wherever possible, even lower levels should be achieved.
- The company aims to achieve the state of the art in terms of technology and maintains an open and constructive dialog with all employees and interested parties (such as neighbors or communities) to discuss any questions regarding sustainable development and production which may arise from technical advancements.

Corporate resolution on environmental and energy policy
Implementation of an environmental and energy management system in Zimmer Group

Environmental and energy policy
Our company, ZIMMER GROUP, operates production processes that are particularly energy-intensive. We are aware of our social responsibility and pledge to maintain a sustainable environmental and energy policy.
Assuming responsibility
The implementation of our environmental and energy policy contributes to the sustainable development of the company and is the foundation for improving energy efficiency. Management regularly checks the environmental and energy policy and updates it as needed.
Striving for improvements
We pledge to reduce our energy consumption for each sale in the long-term and to increase our energy efficiency in a continuous improvement process. To attain these goals, we are implementing environmental management in accordance with DIN ISO 14001 and an environmental management system across all locations in accordance with DIN ISO 50001. The following environmental and energy policy presents the framework for specifying the strategic and operative environmental and energy goals.
We give concrete form to our environmental and energy policy through goals and define clear strategies for attaining these goals. We provide the means necessary for using the system, regularly perform evaluations of the effectiveness of the management system and, to the greatest extent possible, introduce optimization measures for continuous improvement.
Saving energy
Based on the systematic analysis of the energy consumption and energy input, we evaluate the processes in our company and develop concepts for saving energy. We take into account the aspect of energy efficiency when procuring new systems and services. By performing maintenance on our systems regularly, we create the prerequisites for a high level of operating safety and availability of our systems and for stable operations management in terms of the increases in energy efficiency we are striving for.
Practicing environmental protection
We are aware that we have a special responsibility for the flora and fauna at our location. We take care of our environment and place value on considering the flora and fauna in our immediate vicinity for all of our company's structural and operational renovations. We work in a way that conserves resources and use our raw materials and other goods as efficiently as possible. Compliance with the legal obligations and other requirements with respect to energy input, energy consumption and energy efficiency is the minimum standard for us, and we go above and beyond this standard as much as possible.
Practicing transparency
We regularly notify all employees of measures for environmental protection and energy saving. We motivate them to take personal responsibility and promote their environmental and energy awareness. We carry on an open, objective and comprehensive dialog with all parties who have a connection to our company, as well as with our business and contract partners. We work closely with all involved authorities and notify them in the appropriate manner about relevant topics regarding our environmental and energy policy. We strive to deal fairly, objectively and constructively with all involved and, in doing so, strive to contribute to a better mutual understanding.
We pledge to maintain this environmental and energy policy and act according to it.